The development and recognition of any organization depends mostly on the quantity and quality of its workforce. There are several factors that contribute to employee retention however, motivation attributes are key since motivated workers remain relevant and productive to the organization. Motivation is the great way to boost employee retention. Highly motivated employees bring out their best output in performance in their daily tasks. The majority of work organizations equate motivation with money and other extrinsic reward, however, motivation offers a powerful perspective on how and why individuals are motivated. This study critically reviewed motivational attributes and their contribution to employee retention by looking at the past scholar’s research work. Detailed literature review was done to evaluate the influence of motivation attributes such as job design, recognition of employees, work-life balance and career development on employee retention. By reviewing past research work, it was found out that motivational attributes enhance employee retention. Therefore, this paper focused on examining the role of human capital management as a fundamental element of enhancing retention of top talent based on findings and recommendations from reviewing past research literature reviews. The study findings may help to streamline the motivation attributes and their contribution to employee retention in the public sector by providing strategies of employee retention and give them the competitive edge in Kenya. The study would provide a basis for future scholars, researchers and other stakeholders to use the results as a reference while also enabling researchers to carry out more investigation on other attributes that enhances employee retention. The County governments in Kenya would also gain from the findings of the study to further enhance their administrative skills in handling challenges of employee retention and understand factors which lead to high performance.
Key Words: Employee Motivation, Employee Retention
CITATION: Nasimiyu R. M., & Otuya, W. (2020). Motivational attributes and their influence on employee retention in the public sector in Kenya. A critical review. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 849 – 860.
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