The main objectives of this research were to study the socio-economic condition and health status of urban slums, to explore the basic facilities available in slum area and to examine the source of income of the families living in Bhangoria Goth, a slum settlement situated in Federal B area of Karachi. The study was exploratory in nature; respondents were selected by non-probability sampling. A well-structured questionnaire consisted on 123 questions and a sample size of 50 respondents was used to collect the information. At last the collected data was presented in simple frequency distribution tables and hypotheses were tested by applying chi-square test. The research concluded that most of the respondents belong to the age group of 26-30years, 60% of them were female and 100% Muslims, and in addition to that 60% of them spoke Sindh language. The research also found that 40% of the respondents were matriculate and 90% of them had jobs where by more than 44% were working as laborers. In addition to that there were no government schools in the area. It was also concluded that 90% of the respondents had electricity facility with average electricity bill of between Rs1500-2000. It was also found that majority of the respondents had the ability to consume gas more than the others. It was also concluded that 52% of the respondents agreed that vomiting/motion was the most effected disease in the area as well as 44% of Malaria. The research concluded that the 3 major problems of the area were water problems, gas and electricity problems. The research also found that 66% of the respondents suggested government’s role would solve the area’s rising problems more than any other while 34% claimed that community effort was the best way to tackle these horrible issues. The research also found that the area had the modern technology facilities. It was recommended that; Proper sanitation facilities should be given to those slum dwellers, Government should try to give opportunity of job to slum people for their better life and to scale-up the delivery of basic infrastructure services for safe water, sanitation, better and affordable housing, waste removal and access to land tenure rights through collaborative efforts with local people and municipal authorities.
Key Words: Poverty, Single Family Systems
CITATION: Dahie, A. M., Shah, N. A., & Ishrat, S. (2020). An analytical study of the socio-economic issues of poor people living under single family system in slum areas of Karachi. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1605 – 1629.
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