The overall objective of this study was to investigate on the role of service agreement practices on the performance of agricultural state corporations in Kenya. Specifically, this study aimed at: examining the role of service agreement planning on the performance of agricultural state corporations in Kenya; finding out the role of contract administration on the performance of agricultural state corporations in Kenya; elaborating the role of service agreement regulation on the performance of agricultural state corporations in Kenya; and determining the role of capacity building on the performance of agricultural state corporations in Kenya. The scope of the study was limited to the state-owned ventures situated in different parts of the country. Basing the research on the financial period 2018-2019, a total of 40 state corporations were examined. Open and closed ended questionnaire were distributed through drop and pick approach where all 40 target companies were given three questionnaires each to achieve a total feedback of 120. Data output, such as inferential analysis, multiple regression, and ANOVA were generated using SPSS. The response rate of the study was 80%. The findings of the study indicated that service agreement planning, contract administration; service agreement regulation and capacity building have a positive relationship with performance of agricultural state corporations in Kenya. Finally, the study recommended that public institutions should embrace service agreement best practices so as to improve performance and further researches should to be carried out in other public institutions to find out if the same results could be obtained.
Key Words: Service Agreement Planning, Contract Administration, Service Agreement Regulation, Capacity Building
CITATION: Owuor, W. A., & Moronge, M. (2020). The role of service agreement on the performance of agricultural state corporations in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(1), 948 – 966.
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