The domain of effective customer services delivery in the health sector calls for workers affection for familiarization with the mercurial health circumstances, prediction of new confronts in the health sector to conjure solutions for the customer all premised on their levels of engagement attributed to their perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment. Public health employees are more compelled to view organizational goals as their own and are more loyal and committed to the organization in cognizance of their perceived organizational support. Thus, perceived organizational support (POS) could act as a positive resource for catalyzing employee engagement and positive organizational behavior amongst health care personnel. Despite limited studies on the moderating role of psychological empowerment on the relationship between POS and employee engagement in the health sector it is justified to infer that based on social exchange theory and organizational support theory, the value attached to POS by employees based on their ability to meet their needs and mitigate their stress empowers them psychologically to stoke their engagement levels. Therefore, psychological empowerment is as significant as a moderator. In this regard the health sector should promote the adoption of human resource practice with an inclination of POS and stoking psychological empowerment for employee engagement. The review has provided insights that should encourage conversations and future research in the domain of POS, psychological empowerment and employee engagement that is critical for survival and success of public health sector.
Key words: Perceived Organizational Support, Psychological Empowerment and Employee Engagement
CITATION: K’osuri M. A., Eggesa, R.,& Onyango, R. (2020). Perceived organizational support, psychological empowerment and employee engagement in public health facilities in Kenya. A review. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(2), 70 – 85.
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