This study sought to investigate the impact of training and development on employee performance: A case study of BETA Insurance Company in Kenya. Training is the continuous and the systematic development among all levels of employees, knowledge, skills and attitudes which contribute to their welfare and that of the company. It provides organisation, the employees with a caliber of increasing the organization’s productivity & profitability. The present study focused on the following specific objectives: to determine the current training and development initiatives in Beta Insurance Company; to determine the impact of training on performance of Beta Insurance Company; and to offer recommendations to Beta Insurance Company. The study was quantitative in nature applying descriptive research design. The target population for the study was the staff of Beta Insurance Company in Kenya applying stratified random sampling to achieve a sample size of 45 participants focusing on the following groups of individuals: top management; middle level management; human capital manager; head of department; and junior staff. Questionnaire was the key apparatus of information gathering with closed ended inquiries to get quantitative information as the examination was quantitative in nature. The findings showed that demonstration method of facilitation during training was both effective and efficient form of training. The study concluded that training and development has a clear relationship with employee performance. The investigation prescribed that Beta Insurance Company to set up normal training and advancement programs that are equipped for raising the aptitudes, spirit and profitability of workers. Employee training and development initiatives should be based on a systematically identified knowledge and skill deficit so as it maximize the effort of the both the employee and organization. The findings of this study would be of value to all insurance companies including Beta Insurance Company in helping them develop lifelong training and development strategies to remain competitive and relevant in the sector through effective training and development initiatives.
Key Words: Training and Development, Employee Performance
CITATION: Kimanthi, D. (2020). Investigation of the impact of training and development on employee performance: A case study of beta insurance company, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(2), 167 – 188.
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