The existence of good and well-functioning road network is vital for economic growth, poverty reduction, and wealth and employment creation. In Kenya, the number of public roads construction projects is increasing from time to time. However, it becomes difficult to complete projects in the allocated cost budget. Taking into account the scarce financial resources of the country, cost overrun is one of the major problems in Kenya. KURA has been experiencing cost overruns in its road projects over the years. In order to make the investment in the road projects more effective and worth, success rates of uptake of these projects should be increased. In Kenya roads plays a vital role in growth of the economy, being the source of income generation, employment opportunities and energy especially in the urban areas. The general objective of this study was to establish the the influence of strategic planning on the performance of urban roads projects in Kenya with a case of KURA as the study area. The specific objectives of this study were to establish; resources allocation, top management support, monitoring and evaluation and stakeholder involvement influencing performance of urban roads projects. The study adopted descriptive survey and sample of 70 employees implementing projects KURA road projects in Naiobi county were considered in this study. Census sampling technique method was used and data was collected through the questionnaires. On the other hand, secondary data was obtained from published documents such as journals, periodicals, magazines and reports to supplement the primary data. A pilot study was conducted to pretest the validity and reliability of instruments for data collection. The data was analyzed with help of SPSS version 22 and Excel. The study found out and concluded that, financial resources, human resources, physical resources allocation, stakeholders’ involvement, top management support, and monitoring and evaluation in strategic planning influences performance of urban roads in KURA to a very great extent.
Key Words: Strategic Planning, Performance, Urban Road Projects
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