Supply Chain Management practices is one of the most effective ways of securing competitive advantage and improving organizational performance both in the public and private sector. However, Supply Chain Management practice discourse has emerged in both public and private institutions in Kenya and across the world due to the malpractices and inefficiencies in the procurement process. The wanton plunder of public funds is not an isolated and unfortunate situation in Kenya alone but across the world. The main objective of the study was to assess the influence of supply chain management practices on procurement performance of County Government of Kakamega. The study aimed at determining the influence of supplier selection practices on procurement performance of County Government of Kakamega. The study was guided by the value chain, resource-based and stakeholder theories. The target population of the study was 58 employees of County Government of Kakamega, specifically; Chief Officers, Accountants and Procurement Officers. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The study used a structured questionnaire as an instrument of data collection. Data collected was collated before being fed in the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) for processing and analysis. Presentation of the study findings was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that there was a moderate significant relationship between supplier selection practices and procurement performance of County Government of Kakamega. The study also found that supplier selection practices had positive and significant influence on procurement performance of County Government of Kakamega. However, routinely conducting supplier selection exercise for each procurement project was found to be tiresome and time consuming thereby reducing supply chain management function to a mere clerical work. The study therefore recommended that the government should enact legislations and policies to enable procuring entities to engage suppliers from the list of prequalified suppliers without subjecting them to another competitive process.
Key words: Supplier Selection Practices, Procurement Performance, Procuring Entity
CITATION: Shombe E. O., & Ouma, D. (2020). Influence of supply chain management practices on procurement performance of County Government of Kakamega, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 80 – 88.
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