This study aimed at investigating the effect of corporate strategies on performance of logistics organizations in Nairobi County. The research objectives were to establish the effect of turnaround strategy on the performance of logistics organizations in Nairobi County, to analyze the effect of business process re-engineering strategy on the performance of logistics organizations in Nairobi County, to determine the effect of business process outsourcing strategy on the performance of logistics organizations in Nairobi County, to establish the effect of total quality management strategy on the performance of logistic organizations in Nairobi County. The study was carried out through a descriptive research design. The population of study included multi-level management staffs of logistics organizations in Nairobi County. The study was carried out through a descriptive and quantitative research design. The study applied regression analysis and used coefficient of determination to evaluate the model fit of which it was found that the adjusted R2 was 0.78. This implied that 78.0% of the variations on performance of logistics organizations in Nairobi County were explained by turnaround strategy, business process re-engineering strategy, business process outsourcing strategy, as well as total quality management strategy at a confidence level of 95%. The R value which was the correlation coefficient was 0.883 which showed that there was a strong correlation between the study variables turnaround strategy, business process re-engineering strategy, business process outsourcing strategy, as well as total quality management strategy. The study recommended that other studies should be done on the effect of corporate strategies on performance of logistics organizations and other industry organizations of the county.
Key Words: Logistics Organizations, Corporate Strategies, Outsourcing
CITATION: Ogao, G. M., & Kariuki P. (2020). Effect of corporate strategies on performance of logistics organizations in Nairobi County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 438 – 449.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i3.1683
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