The aim of the research was to find out how employee perceptions of reward management practices influence their performance. The study looked at three specific objectives: investigating the influence of employee perceptions of financial rewards, training and development opportunities and employee recognition practices have on employee performance. Due to the small number of the target population, the study adopted census in three regional offices of Kenya Urban Roads Authority instead of sampling. Self-administered questionnaires were applied to collect data. Descriptive research design using Statistical Package for Social Sciences was adopted to analyze statistical data. Correlational and regression analyses were used to analyze the effects of employee perceptions of reward systems on employee performance. Data presentation was done using tables and percentages. Findings of the study indicated that KURA had a satisfactory pension scheme for employees and health care insurance to employees and their dependents which further indicated that employee perceptions of financial rewards significantly influences employee performance. Additionally, on employee perceptions of training and development opportunities of on employee performance, KURA had a well-defined training policy and the employees had fairly adequate skills and abilities to perform their work though nomination for training was not fairly done. Pearson Correlation results showed a strong relationship between employee perceptions of training and development opportunities and employee performance. Linear regression analysis indicated that employee perceptions of training opportunities significantly explained variance in employee performance. Finally, the study found that employees at KURA found their work environment more conducive when they get better recognition for the work they do. Similarly, recognition by supervisor encouraged employees to work better. Therefore, employee perceptions of recognition practices was found to be a significant predictor of employee performance at Kenya Urban Roads Authority. From the above findings, the study recommended that the organization embrace the reward management practices to improve employee performance. Further, the study recommended impartiality in training allocation and regularly offering awards for employees with exemplary performance.
Key Words: Employee Perceptions, Financial Rewards, Training and Development, Employee Recognition
CITATION: Wanyonyi N. I., & Juma, D. (2020). Influence of employee perceptions of reward management practices on employee performance at Kenya Urban Roads Authority. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 569 – 590.
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