The study sought to investigate social and cultural determinants that affect the uptake of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Masinga sub-county, Machakos County. Universal Health care is a huge milestone in the attainment of not only the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) but also the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). In Kenya, the government rolled out the UHC program in 2018 with four counties acting as pilot for the rest; Machakos was one of them. The objective of the study was aimed at examining the effects of geographical access on universal health care in Masinga sub-county. A Descriptive Research Design was adopted in which a total of 350 respondents were chosen from all the 7 locations of Masinga sub-county. The sampling was both stratified and systematic random sampling. The pilot study was done in Ndalani location, Yatta sub-county to test the validity and credibility of the study instruments before the actual research. In the actual research the respondents were issued with questionnaires that were self-administered. The questionnaires were both closed ended and open ended; the former sought to capture specific details in the respondents while the latter gave them a leeway to elaborate their answers. Quantitatively, the responses were fed into the SPSS program and analysed; they were presented using percentages, graphs and charts. The study established that the geographical access play an important role in either enhancing or inhibiting the utilization of UHC. It recommended that the government step up sensitization programs to get as many people as possible to utilize the program. It was expected that the study would benefit not only the policy makers, but the county government and the NGOs operating in the area as well.
Key words: Universal Health Coverage, Determinants, Distance, Utilization, Access
CITATION: Mululu, I. M., Vundi, N. B., & Odek, A. (2020). Social and cultural determinants to the access of universal health coverage: A case of Masinga Sub – County in Machakos, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1169 – 1176.
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