Kenya’s devolved governance is based on Article 6(2) laws of Kenya, constitution 2010, which describes governments at two levels as being distinct and inter-dependent and which conduct their mutual relations on the basis of consultation and cooperation. The specific objectives that guided this study encompassed the following; Finding out how county structures, financing, staffing levels and leadership styles are having an effect on county establishment in Kenya. The scope of the study was be limited to the challenges facing implementation of the county governance system in Kenya. The study population used was the 14 counties that entailed 235 members of the county that include members of the county Assembly, Governors, senators, public service board members and three staff members from each of the counties. In this report questionnaires were used to acquire data. The data was analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics Package version 20. To ensure reliability of the instrument Cronbach’s Alpha was used. The study provided two types of data analysis; descriptive and inferential. The descriptive analysis helped the study to describe the relevant aspects of the phenomenon under study. The frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation were determined. For the inferential analysis, the study used Pearson correlation and multivariate regression analysis techniques to establish the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The study found out that Devolution creates sub-national entities which provide additional accountability mechanisms due to physical proximity making it easier for citizens to hold their local officials accountable for their performance while it also provides channels for expression and ensures that varying interests of stakeholders are balanced and decisions are made in a rational, informed and transparent manner.
Key words: Devolution, Transformation Leadership, HR organizational structure, Administrative structure
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