The study sought to assess the factors effecting implementation of strategic planning among SMEs in Machakos County. This study used descriptive research design. The sampling frame was obtained from County Registrar of Business, Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development. The target population for this study was 39953 SMEs and the sample size of the study was 400SMEs. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data from the target population and, the study generally adopted stratified random sampling. The researcher coded and input the data into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software for analysis using descriptive method. The study determined that resource capacity development, strategic leadership development, and technological innovation were found to be significant. The findings of the study also implied that the various stakeholders in Machakos County and particularly the public have to take seriously the Integrated Strategic Planning activities. This would be through active participation in the processes, including interrogation of the resource allocation criteria, and the parameters used to make key decisions in the County Government of Machakos. The study recommended that the academics in the field of Organizational Development, should consider using the empirical evidence adduced to further their research interests. The study also recommended the findings for the development of policies for growth of the SMEs in Machakos County. Finally, the study recommended that the proprietors of the various SMEs in Machakos County should use the findings for develop strategies for growth. The study also recommended use of longitudinal research design since the current study used cross sectional design. The study also recommended that the influence of moderating and mediating variables since that was outside the scope of the current study. Finally, the study suggested that cultural orientation should be investigated since the study determined that more male than female gender were likely to be SMEs in Machakos County.
Key Words: Resource Capacity, Strategic Leadership, Technological Innovation, Strategic Planning
CITATION: Wambua, A. M., Muhoho, J., & Kilonzo, T. (2020). Assessment of factors that affect implementation of strategic planning among small and medium enterprises in Machakos County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1278 – 1294.
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