The purpose of the study was to investigate the role of government policies on the relationship between microfinance services and the financial performance of small and medium enterprisesin Kisii Town. The specific objectives of the study were to: establish the influence of entrepreneurial training on financial performance and to determine the influence of saving mobilization on financial performance. The study targeted 575 registered small and medium enterprises in Kisii Town. The sample of 236 respondents was used by stratified sampling technique. The study sought to determine the effect of entrepreneurial training as moderated by the role of government policy on financial performance. The regression analysis showed that there was a negative association between entrepreneurship training and financial performance. From correlation analysis, there was an insignificant positive relationship between saving mobilization and financial performance. The study implied that there was a significant effect relationship between government policies and financial performance. The study recommended that small and medium enterprises should attend entrepreneurship training for them to improve financial performance.
Key Words: entrepreneurial training, saving mobilization, Government Policies, Microfinance Services, Financial Performance
CITATION: Moseti, B. M., Chesoli, J. W., & Muya, J. (2020). Moderating role of government policies in the relationship between micro finance services and financial performance of small and medium enterprises in Kisii Town, Kisii County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1264 – 1277.
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