This study sought to investigate the influence of supply chain automation on inventory management in KAFUCO, Kenya. The study used descriptive survey design and census method to select all targeted respondents in inventory management at KAFUCO, comprising procurement officers, auditors, financial officers, accountants, ICT officers, storekeepers and consumer department heads. The researcher used systematic questionnaires to gather the primary information. Inferential statistics such as correlations, linear and multiple analyses was computed by SPSS 24. The findings were that Kaimosi University College's inventory control was strongly influenced by the electronic store management. The regression results also revealed a positive and important relationship between the electronic store management and the inventory control. Results revealed that electronic supplier Management highly influenced inventory Control of Kaimosi University College. The correlation results revealed that Electronic Supplier Management had a positive and significant relationship with inventory Control measured by inventory turnover. Results revealed that electronic inventory control highly influenced the inventory Control of Kaimosi University College. The correlation results revealed that Electronic inventory control had a negative and significant relationship of Kaimosi University College measured by inventory turnover. Results revealed that Inventory Information System highly influenced the inventory Control of Kaimosi University College. The results of the analysis showed that the inventory information system had a positive and meaningful inventory management relationship calculated by the turnover of the inventory. The study recommended that managers of Kaimosi University College be trained in electronic store management to establish an effective electronic system to improve inventory control. The management should also consider pursuing professional advice on electronic device management. The study recommended that Kaimosi University College capitalize on the electronic supplies available for cost-saving purposes. This will make them operationally and financially viable. Kaimosi University College was recommended to enhance its electronic inventory management by recruiting qualified staff and providing on-the-job training courses to fully educate staff on device matters. The study recommended that Kaimosi University College should give up-to-date and faster inventory information system for easy operations. That would make time and efficiency savings.
Key Words: Electronic Store, Electronic Supplier, Electronic Inventory, Inventory Information System
CITATION: Rapando, J., & Juma, D. (2020). Influence of supply chain automation on inventory control in public academic institutions. A case of Kaimosi Friends University College, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1370 – 1403.
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