The aim of this study was to review the literature and attempt to understand the concept of strategies for talent management and highlight its effects on employee performance in commercial banks in Kakamega town. The study was carried out in Kakamega town with the following five banks: Kenya Commercial Bank, Equity Bank, Absa Bank, Cooperative Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, Kenya. The research embraced a descriptive type of analysis, with the overall workforce making up a target group of actual bank workers. This involved staff at all ranks starting with the top management. The key tool for data collection was a formal questionnaire. For the analysis of the findings, descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages) and inferential statistics (correlation analysis) were used. Study of Pearson correlation and regression was used in determining the influence of independent variables and dependent variables. To analyze the findings, the Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS) program was used. The data was coded for ease of analysis according to the various variables and descriptive statistics such as mode, mean, frequencies, variances and standard deviations. Tables and figures were used to evaluate and classify results. This thesis provided a foundation of further studies in the area of talent management. The results were talent acquisition techniques impact employee efficiency in commercial banks in kakamega town. The outcomes of the regression revealed that there is a significant and optimistic association with employee performance with the methodology of talent attraction. As seen in the results, the talent management strategy significantly affected employee performance in commercial banks in Kakamega town. The connection showed that talent growth policy had a favorable and important relationship on employee success commercial banks in Kakamega. The study suggested that human resource division must set aside adequate budget to cater for costs related to foreign recruiting and other initiatives which would be part of the organizations talent pool. The additional recommendation was that strategies for talent management should be emphasized as this leads to superior performance of employees.
Key Words: Talent Management, Talent Attraction, Talent Retention, Talent Development
CITATION: Rapando, E. (2020). Talent management strategies and employee performance in commercial banks in Kakamega Town. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 1583 – 1599.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i3.1765
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