The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between HRM practices and employee performance in public service organizations namely Amhara Regional Civil Services Commission, Ethiopia. It would be interesting to know whether the variables behave the same way they do in a private sector organization. In its attempt, this paper considered the role of employee Social Exchange Theory (SET) and Ability, Motivation, Opportunity (AMO) theory framework. For this purpose data were collected through a structured questionnaire from a sample size of 257 managerial and non-managerial employees working in different offices under ANRS Civil Service Commission. The PLS-SEM3 was used to analyze the data to determine the impact of HRM practices on employee performance. The result showed that employee engagement in the form of training & development and opportunity for career development have a significant positive impact on employee performances. The perceived organizational support in the form of performance appraisal, compensation and benefits and leadership practices showed significant positive impact on employee performance. However there was no evidence for HRM practices to have direct influence on the performance; it is mediated through employee engagement and perceived organizational support (POS).
Key words: HRM practices, POS, Employee Engagement, employee performance, PLS-SEM
CITATION: Abebe, M. K. (2020). HR practices and efficiency of public administration in developing countries: A case of Ethiopia. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 1 – 19.
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