This paper investigated the critical success factors in the implementation of development projects in Laikipia County, Kenya. Implementation of most development projects in the county is taking too long and consuming more resources in addition diminishing impact of these projects upon completion. This study specifically focused on the effect of resources allocation, management support, stakeholder involvement, monitoring and evaluation and staff competence on implementation of development projects in Laikipia County. The study, which adopted a descriptive research design, used stratified random sampling technique to obtain a sample of 78 development projects. Data was collected by a semi- structured questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The study revealed that at 5% significance level, there was a positive and significant relationship between; resource allocation, staff competence, managerial support, stakeholder participation and monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of development projects in Laikipia county. The study recommended that the County Government of Laikipia should; provide for sufficient resources at the right time, absorb adequate proficient skilled staff, provide adequate managerial support always, ensure full stakeholder participation, and enforce an effective and efficient monitoring and evaluation function.
Keywords: Project implementation, management support, monitoring and evaluation, resource allocation, staff competence, stakeholder involvement
CITATION: Makumi, M., & Rosemary, J., (2020). Critical success factors in implementation of development projects in Laikipia County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 151 – 165.
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