The purpose of this study was to investigate on the growth strategy and the performance of insurance companies in Kenya. This research problem was studied through the use of a descriptive research design. The study focused on ten Insurance companies within Nairobi County which had adopted and implemented various growth strategies. The study employed a census where all the respondents were considered. Questionnaires were the major instrument for data collection. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected in this study while in data analysis, the study adopted SPSS as a tool with the expectation of descriptive and inferential statistics. The study determined that the growth strategies were embraced in the ten insurance companies in Kenya with regards to Nairobi. The study showed that the lowest correlation was between product development and performance of insurance companies (r=0.404, p<0.01). The highest correlation was between market penetration and performance of insurance companies (r=0.692, p<0.01). However, the regression analysis showed a strong relationship, R2=0.589 which showed that 58.9% of change in performance of insurance companies in Kenya could be explained by a change of one unit of all the predictor variables jointly. Therefore, the study concluded that; market penetration leads to a higher performance of the insurance companies as compared to diversification, merger and acquisition and product development. From the findings and conclusion, the study recommended that there was need to strengthen the enlightenment of the public on the significance of insurance. The insurance companies should from time to time train their employees at all levels to ensure that they are highly skilled, competent and capable to win clients trust in their dealing because market penetration strategy requires a lot of skills and resources. Insurance companies should actively deal with the re-creation of marketing and market entry procedures as they use new strategies for the offering. Managers in insurance companies should capitalize on feasibility studies aimed at evaluating the effect of growth strategies and this should help them to become competitively informed into making the right decisions and as a result help in ensuring proper product development. Management should instill discipline upon itself by ensuring good corporate governance, promote technological progress and increase its paid up capital regardless of the statutory requirements so that the continued existence of the firm is not jeopardized after undergoing mergers and acquisition.
Key Words: Market Penetration, Product Development, Diversification, Merger and Acquisition, Growth
CITATION: Kahonga, J., & Kariuki, P. (2020). Growth strategy and performance of insurance companies in kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 133 – 150.
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