Telecommunication companies in the world over are facing a talent crunch. In the current competitive era, this has put pressure on HR managers to attract, develop and ensure that the best talent stay. The study sought to investigate the influence of succession management Practices on Employee Retention in the Mobile Telecommunication companies in Kenya. A descriptive research design was used. The target population comprised 4192 employees in the Mobile telecommunication companies in Kenya from which a sample of 351 respondents was drawn from three strata; top management, supervisory, and general staff. Sampling was carried out by stratified and simple random techniques. Data was collected by use of a questionnaire. Percentages were used to initially analyze the data and the results presented in charts and tables. Inferential statistics were obtained by carrying out correlations analysis; bivariate, and multiple linear regression analyses, to test for the degree of association (correlations) between pairs of variables in relation to the influence of talent management practices on employee retention. The results revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between Succession Management Practices and Employee Retention in Mobile Telecommunication companies in Kenya. It was clear therefore that, Succession management practices should always be considered as a key component and outcome of strategic human resource management for enhanced employee retention and performance. Organizations should consider succession management practices as core HR practices if they are to retain their employees. The study recommended a longitudinal research for an in-depth examination of the succession Management Practices and employee retention.
Keywords: Succession Management, Employee Retention
CITATION: Nyagudi, W. O. (2020), Succession management and employee retention in mobile telecommunication companies in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(3), 166 – 185.
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