This study sought to examine influence of internal management systems on financial fraud control in listed commercial banks in Kenya. The study was based on explanatory research design and utilized structured questionnaire to collect primary data. The study targeted 120 managers from the 12 listed commercial banks in Kenya from where Yamane’s stratified sampling formula was used to get 93 respondents who were selected to participate in the study using simple random sampling technique. Data collected from the field was coded, cleaned, tabulated and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of Specialized Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24 software. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages as well as measures of central tendency (means) and dispersion (standard deviation) were used. Further, inferential statistics such as regression and correlation analyses were used to determine both the nature and the strength of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. A total of 93 questionnaires were dispatched for data collection, from which 85 questionnaires were returned dully filled, representing a response rate of 91.39% which is very good for generalizability of the research findings to a wider population. Both descriptive and inferential statistics revealed that all independent variables (risk assessment system, auditing system, adherence to professional ethical standards and employee remuneration) significantly influenced financial fraud controls in listed commercial banks in Kenya (dependent variable). The study concluded that one; commercial banks that invest in secure and updated risk assessment systems boosts their fraud control systems and lessens financial fraud incidences; two; an effective fraud detection, control program or audit system significantly improves financial fraud controls in commercial banks. The study recommended that one; commercial banks should have authentic employee recruitment and monitoring system that only secures employees with integrity and consistently compensate staff with incontestable professional ethical standards; and two, commercial banks should prudently apply employee remuneration and compensation schemes to only employees with undisputable professional ethical standards.
Key Words: Risk Assessment System, Auditing System, Adherence to Professional Ethical Standards, Employee Remuneration
CITATION: Ouma, J. O., & Otinga, H. N. (2020). Influence of internal management systems on financial fraud control in listed commercial banks in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 206 – 223.
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