This study sought to determine the influence of business improvement strategies on organizational performance of banks in Kenya. The target population was 2,800 top, middle and low-level management employees of banks in Kenya. The study sample size was 150 management employees. A self-administered questionnaire was used for primary data collection. Data analysis was done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, version 23.0). The study also conducted multiple regression analysis to test the relationship between the study variables. The study established that the management employees of banks in Kenya did agree that the adopted change management practices had helped their banks enhance their performance (mean = 4.28); their banks were continually automating their operations to leverage on the benefits of technology based applications (mean = 4.34); entering into strategic alliances had helped their banks in defending and enhancing their current market position (mean = 4.07) and that functions outsourcing had freed time and resources which were directed to other important areas (mean = 4.23). Further, the study results also revealed that there was a strong positive and significant association between change management, automation, strategic alliances and outsourcing, as business improvement strategies, and organizational performance of banks in Kenya as depicted by beta values of 0.712; 0.806; 0.761 and 0.668 (with all having p<0.05), respectively. The study concluded that change management, automation, strategic alliances and outsourcing playing a significant role in enhancing the organizational performance of banks in Kenya. The study recommended that to make the change management process successful, banks in Kenya should ensure proper planning and communication of the change process as well as ensure adequate participation of all the stakeholders. There is also need for regular reviews to ensure that the change process remains on track and that it is yielding the intended results. Further, banks in Kenya should continually invest in automation of the various banking functions and services especially in areas where the existing manual operations are inefficient and wasteful as well as in areas that could bolster their growth and expansion.
Key Words: Change Management, Automation, Strategic Alliances, Outsourcing, Organizational Performance
CITATION: Kuria, W. W., & Were, S. (2020). Influence of business improvement strategies on organizational performance of banks in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 450 – 469.
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