The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of emerging technologies on service delivery in government institutions. The study utilized four specific objectives which included: assessing the influence of technological infrastructure, ascertaining the influence of training capacity, finding out the influence of policy framework and determining the influence of resource allocation on the delivery of Nairobi County’s e-jiji pay. The study was guided by two theories: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Unified Theory of Acceptance. The study adopted a descriptive survey design to examine the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The design helps the researcher to obtain information concerning the current status of the problem under study and describe it with respect to its variables. The target population was 1445 employees of Nairobi County and these comprised of administrators, accountants, revenue collectors, car park attendants as well as market and licensing officers. The study adopted stratified random sampling procedure to identify specific groups from which data was collected. Simple random sampling procedure was then used to select respondents for data collection from the various strata. A sample size of 212 respondents was utilized for this study in data collection. Data collected was analyzed quantitatively using statistical package for social sciences version 25. Quantitative data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Correlation examination, regression analysis were applied to reveal the relationship between the independent and the dependent variable. The study recommended that institutions should invest more in emerging technologies to improve existing service delivery; there should continuous creation of training capacities and workshops for enhancement of skills. Policies of technology adoption should be improved to attract adoption of the everyday changing technology and Nairobi County in conjunction with the national government and other counties must ensure that there is increased funding on resource acquisition which enables acquisition and use of emerging technologies in Nairobi county.
Key Words: Technological Infrastructure, Training Capacity, Policy Framework, Resource Allocation, Service Delivery
CITATION: Riogi, N. N., & Ombui, K. (2020). Influence of emerging technologies on service delivery in government institutions in Kenya: A case of Nairobi County’s e-jiji Pay. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 470 – 484.
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