This study examined the influence of Judicial Evaluation Model in resolving contractual disputes in road construction projects in Kenya. Specifically, the study addressed two research questions: What is the influence of civil litigation process, as a component of judicial evaluation model, on resolution of contractual disputes in road construction projects in Kenya? What is the influence of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism, as a component of judicial evaluation model, on resolution of contractual disputes in road construction projects in Kenya? A correlation design was adopted. Descriptive statistics, mode, mean and standard deviation were used for the analysis of primary data collected from senior monitoring and evaluation staff of the contracting parties. Analysis of Variance and Regression models were deployed for inferential analysis. The study found that resolution of contractual disputes has strong positive correlation with ADR mechanism (r = 0.695, p = 0.01) and a weak negative correlation with civil litigation process (r = - 0.041, p = 0.01). The regression analysis showed that a unit increase in civil litigation process resulted into - 0.26 units increase (which is actually a decrease) in resolution of contractual disputes, while a unit increase in ADR mechanism yielded 0.510 units increase in resolution of contractual disputes. The study concluded that civil ligation process should be used as a last resort for resolving contractual disputes because it does not support consensus building between the parties and ADR mechanism is best suited for consensus building in resolution of contractual disputes. The study recommended a hierarchical use of ADR mechanism (Adjudication, Arbitration and Mediation) based on their influence on desired outcomes of dispute resolutions which are; speedy resolution of the disputes, minimum cost of resolving dispute, impartiality of the resolution process and enforceability of the resolution outcome.
Keywords: Judicial Evaluation Model, Litigation Process, ADR mechanism, Resolution of Contractual Disputes
CITATION: Okeyo, M. P., Rambo, C. M., & Nyonje, R. O. (2020). Judicial evaluation model and resolution of contractual disputes in construction projects: The case of road construction projects in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 527 – 540.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i4.1803
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