Over time, public organizations have been adopting employee empowerment with the aim of improving performance and job satisfaction and promoting innovativeness. The study’s understanding of employee empowerment has been hindered by a dearth of empirical research on its uses and consequences in the public sector. Employee empowerment has been among an influential management concepts by various literature. Notably in the areas concerning reshaping of the relationship between managers and those they are responsible of managing. The need to improve the performance of public organizations in order to give value for money to tax payers has become pertinent hence the need for maximum utilization of the labor capital. Many factors have been said to contribute greatly to employee empowerment which has become widely studied in the recent past as one of the ways organizations may use to turn around their performance. This study analyzed four of these factors that influence employee empowerment in an organization. The focus was on the Parastatal sector in Kenya with particular focus on Kenya Wildlife Service and assess the extent to which the concept has been embraced by the latter. The paper also sought to find out to what extent Kenya Wildlife Service has embraced the concept and identify the hindrances. The specific objectives of the study included determining whether training influences employee empowerment, the role of information sharing in enhancing employee empowerment, how the organizations culture influences employee empowerment and the role of compensation in enhancing employee empowerment in Kenya Wildlife Service. The Descriptive survey method was be applied to carry out the research. The population comprises selected employees working in Kenya Wildlife Service. Data will be analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS version 16) after which appropriate interpretation was be done. The study found that The value employee training as a compensation and benefits packages increases the performance human resource outcomes normally increases the performance, satisfaction and productivity also stay there and attracting. The perception of employee about the organization benefits policy. If pay is tied to employee performance good quality and quantity of work done. Organization pay directly influences to employee voluntary turnover employee when compared to their pay available in other organization. People stay or leave the company more reasons when they are not satisfied with their job promotional opportunity and work environment.
Key words: competency development, information sharing, organizational culture, employee remuneration.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.181
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