The purpose of this study was on leadership styles and management of church youth development in selected Pentecostal churches in Nyeri Town Sub County, Kenya. The study adopted survey research design with target population of 57 church youth officials who were leaders in selected Pentecostal churches in Nyeri Town Sub County. Questionnaires were used for collecting data from the participants. Data analysis was through descriptive and inferential techniques. The findings revealed that democratic leadership style do not have a significant influence on management of church youth development in selected Pentecostal churches in Nyeri Town Sub County. The implication is that democratic leadership style is one of the significant avenues for managing the youth officials in their development in Nyeri Town Sub County. The study concluded that the youth officials have the requisite skills for management of church systems but their capacity is not embraced in church activities by the selected Pentecostal churches in Nyeri Town Sub County. The study recommended that for the management of the church youth development to be effective in the selected Pentecostal churches there has to be skills impartation avenues, capacity building programmes for the youth and inclusion of the youth in church decision making.
Keywords: Democratic Leadership Style, Pentecostal Churches, Management of the Church Youth Development
CITATION: Gathuma, J. M. (2020). Influence of democratic leadership style on management of church youth development in selected Pentecostal Churches in Nyeri Town Sub County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7(4), 687 – 696.
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