The general purpose of this inquiry was to investigate the role of biofortified dry land arrowroots in mitigating food security among rural women farmers’ households in Muranga County. The study sought to establish economic value of biofortified dry land arrowroots in Murang’a County. The Study was founded on feminist theory. The study methodology included the use of semi-structured questionnaires, focus group discussions and interviewing key informants. The study sampled 120 respondents. The qualitative and quantitative data was analyzed and a report prepared. The study achieved 83% response rate. The Study findings indicated that biofortified dry land arrowroots crops are economically beneficial as women farmers sell surplus crops. Conclusion of the study was that dry land arrowroots have significant economic value among women farmers in Muranga County. The findings however did not generalize in Kenya. The study recommended that the government needed to adopt biofortified dry land arrowroots farming production to address food insecurity in arid and semi-arid lands. The study further recommended studies in other Counties on dry land arrowroots to allow generalization.
Key Words: Biofortified Dry Arrowroots Farming, Economic Value
CITATION: Chege, J. N. (2020). Economic value of biofortified dry land arrowroots in Muranga County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 775 – 782.
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