This study was about assessing the relationship between women leadership and implementation of the mission of the Methodist church in Kenya. Missiology has remained a male dominated field, although the majority of workers are women. Female missioners have profound, unique intuitions especially in the context of women issues. This study was guided by the following objectives; to determine the extent to which women have contributed to the mission of the Methodist Church in Kenya; to examine the influence of women leadership in the great mandate of the Methodist Church in Kenya and to asses to what extent women work has been documented in Methodist church in Kenya. The study was a cross-section survey guided by phenomenological and mixed design. The study population included women from 3 synods from Coast region. From the total population of 100, a target population of 34 was selected from which the sample size of 25 was arrived at using purposive sampling method. A total of 25 Open ended questionnaires were administered to the women in the coast synods. Data was cleaned and coded thematically hence deriving the major categories and themes that informed this study. Data was presented in form of pie graphs, percentages as well as major themes derived from the categories of the responses. The study found that women leaders significantly contributed to the integrity, stewardship and excellence in the implementation of mission of the Methodist church in Kenya. The study found that women leaders were influential in discipleship, church growth through preaching, bible studies, and workshop trainings. The study concluded that there was need to increase opportunities for women at the top positions of leadership in the Methodist church since their impact in church growth is immense. Finally, the study found the gap in documentation of the work of women leaders in the mission of the Methodist church in Kenya. The study recommended regular conferences to enhance unity of purpose among women, endorsing more women to higher top leadership opportunities, to support economic empowerment project and programs at the synod’s, circuits and church level as well as documentation of the policy guides, constitution and standing orders, new mission and leadership positions for women in the Methodist church.
Key Words: Women in Mission, Women in Leadership, Women Empowerment
CITATION: Indangasi, E. N., Njoroge, J., & Kithinji, J. (2020). Relationship between women leadership and implementation of the mission of the Methodist church in Kenya. A cross-sectional survey. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 807 – 822.
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