The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of knowledge management practices on judicial service delivery in Baringo County, Kenya. The study adopted four specific objectives which were to: Examine the influence of organizational leadership, assessing the influence of information technology adoption, establishing the influence of organizational structure and evaluate the influence of organizational culture on the judicial service delivery in Baringo County, Kenya. The study was guided by two theories which were the dynamic capability theory and knowledge based theory to expound the research. The study adopted a descriptive survey design to justify the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The design helped the researcher to obtain information concerning the current status of the problem under study and described it with respect to its variables. Target population was 251 employees working in the judicial department in the County. The study adopted stratified random sampling procedure to identify specific groups from which data was collected. Simple random sampling technique was then applied to select individual respondents for the study. A sample size of 251 respondents were used in the data collection process. Data was analyzed quantitatively using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25. Quantitative data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study found out that there was a positive relationship (R =0.752 between the variables. The study specifically found out that organizational leadership, information technology adoption, organizational structure and organizational have a positive influence on service delivery in Baringo County. The study concluded that all the variables tested by this study have a significant influence on service delivery in the county. The study therefore recommended that the institutions invest more in knowledge management practices so as to improve more on the current service delivery situation. Create more trainings capacities and workshops for workers in the institution to enhance their knowledge and skills. Utilize knowledgeable employees with past experience to oversee the administration and management of knowledge management practices and increase funding on knowledge management resource acquisition and training of its personnel.
Key Words: Organizational Leadership, Information Technology, Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, Judicial Service Delivery
CITATION: Tongi, K. O., & Ombui, K. (2020). Influence of knowledge management practices on judicial service delivery in Baringo County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 906 –918.
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