Over the past decades a technological outburst has greatly impacted people's everyday life. Specifically, the study sought to assess the effect of administrative platforms on service delivery in public sector in Rwanda. The study adopted both descriptive and quantitative research designs. The population of 114 was stratified into three strata: top management staff, middle management staff, and low-level management staff. From each stratum the study used the stratified sampling technique to reach to the entire population of the study. Stratified random sampling method brought out the aspect of accuracy and reliability to this study, because, each and every individual participated to this study. The study used both primary and secondary data collection methods. The researcher administered the questionnaire to each respondent. Quantitative data was collected and analyzed using SPSS and presented through percentage, mean, frequencies. Pearson correlation was used to assess if the relationship between the independent variables, and dependent variable which is organizational performance, was significant or not. The study found out that the beta coefficients administrative platforms had a coefficient of 0.078 which is greater than zero. The t statics was 2.485 which had a p-value of 0.013 which is less than 0.05 implying that the coefficient of administrative platforms was significant at 0.05 level of significance. This showed that administrative platforms has a significant positive effect on service delivery at Irembo. Further, the study could explore the importance of fiscal and human resource on service delivery, public involvement, civil society and other stakeholders on the impact of Irembo on social, economic and political development in Rwanda. This could be undertaken with a greater diversity in participants, in particular, age, cultural background and people with disability to enable the government to determine the most effective participatory structures in order to optimize the representativeness in various counties
Keywords: Administrative platforms, Service delivery, Public sector, Rwanda
CITATION: Ntabwoba, J., & Mulyungi, P. (2020). Effect of administrative platforms on service delivery in public sector in Rwanda. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1118 – 1128.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i4.1846
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