The purpose of this study was to examine the determinants (stakeholder relationships, project resource management, leadership approaches and needs assessment) of successful implementation of mental health advocacy projects by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Kenya: a case of TINADA Youth Organization (TiYO), Kisumu. The study adopted a descriptive survey method of research. The study targeted 94 staff and stakeholders of TiYO. The study used census method to reach and interview 100% of the respondents or study population. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential analysis were done by the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences and presented through percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to depict the relationship between the variables in question. From the findings presented, a total of 94 questionnaires were self-administered to the respondents and 84 questionnaires were returned duly filled, translating to a response rate of 89.36%, that is, 38(45.2%) of the respondents were female while 46(54.8%) were male. The researcher found that the determinants under the study played significant roles to project implementation thereby making all the null hypotheses to be rejected and alternatives be accepted. Further to the findings of the study, the researcher generally recommended the following; Active participation of stakeholders during project implementation; Effective project resource management including money, materials, machines and manpower. Specifically, the researcher recommended that TiYO to add more new workers to enhance its operation; the project managers, coordinators and leaders to prioritize and be cognizant of leadership approach applied during project implementation; and Project needs assessment is a prerequisite for successful implementation. This study found positive relationship between all the determinants of successful project implementation by 60.6%, meaning 39.4% of factors that influences successful project implementation were not covered by this study. Thus, there was need to undertake another research to examine the other factors which influence successful implementation of projects at TiYO. The study also recommended a similar study in other sectors like determinants of successful project implementation of the county and national governments.
Key words: Stakeholder Relationships, Resource Management, Leadership Approaches, Needs Assessment
CITATION: Omondi, D. O., & Juma, O. D. (2020). Determinants of Successful Implementation of Mental Health Advocacy Projects by Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya: A Case of Tinada Youth Organization, Kisumu. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1159 – 1175.
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