Project success forms a critical foundation for project management and any manager wants to deliver to their stakeholders the intended goals of the project. A project is said to be a success if it achieves all of the agreed project objectives. The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of project factors on the success of projects in county Governments in Kenya. The study used project planning, project execution, monitoring and control as the main independent variables on which it pegged its objectives. The study adopted four main theirs namely; organization theory, classical communication theory, thermostat model and the transformation flow value theory. It adopted a descriptive survey design and targeted project managers and supervisors of the selected project. The study used a sample of 52 respondents selected through a census. Questionnaires were the main data collection instruments. These instruments were pre-tested to ascertain whether they were valid and reliable. A coefficient of above 0.7 was achieved for all the study variables thereby making it reliable. The data was analyzed quantitatively and was presented in the form of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results showed that all the variables including project planning, project execution, project monitoring and project control positively influenced project success. The study recommended that management should incorporate stakeholders that will undertake the project to avoid rolling down already planned projects that may not do well in some regions. The management should also include expected risks in their project and give possible mitigation methods so that the contingence funds set aside for risks were estimated and allocated. Managers of different organizations which sponsor project should continually modify management aspects to improve performance of county government projects. Certain aspects of management should be addressed as a matter of policy, such as supervision of team members by the project managers to improve service delivery. Finally, national and county government has therefore, a duty to closely monitor all the projects from start to end.
Key Words: Project factors, Monitoring, Planning, Project Evaluation, Execution
CITATION: Agoi, E. (2020). Influence of project management factors on project success, a case of a child care project in Vihiga County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1206 – 1216.
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