The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of principals’ leadership styles on secondary school performance in Tongaren Division, Bungoma North Sub County, Bungoma County. The research used descriptive survey. The study used both qualitative and quantitative methods. Primary data was collected using questionnaires from 75 teachers and 15 principals while secondary data was collected from student’s KCSE result documents. Data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) to give computed descriptive percentage mean, mode and frequencies. The key finding was that there is a strong positive relationship between the leadership style and school performance. The study results indicated that there was a negative relationship between the autocratic leadership style of the school’s principals and school performance (-0.65) and also a strong negative correlation between the laissez-faire leadership style and school performance in secondary schools (-0.66). There is a weak positive relationship between the transformational leadership and school performance in secondary schools (0.34); while there is a strong positive relationship between democratic leadership style and school performance in secondary schools (0.48). There was therefore need for the school administrators to embrace and practically employ democratic and transformational leadership styles. Key recommendation was that there is a need for equipping the principal with the necessary management and leadership skills through a structured and regular in-service programme. Nurturing of democratic principles should be instituted in all spheres of school administration, including the student leadership. Experienced and productive principals should also act as mentors to newly appointed and underperforming principals and model them to employ both democratic and transformational leadership styles to influence school performance positively. This study also recommended that elaborate plans be made to develop staff development programmes and succession plans by both the teachers service commission and the Kenya education management institute. This would ensure sustained supply of competent personnel to run schools.
Key Words: Leadership Styles, Autocratic Leadership, Democratic Leadership, Laissez Faire Leadership, Transformational Leadership, School Performance
CITATION: Okwaro, D. O. Kathambi, W., & Sitati, G. (2020). Investigation on the effects of the principals’ leadership style on secondary school performance in Tongaren Division in Bungoma North Sub-County, Bungoma County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1356 – 1377.
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