The study determined the Influence of intellectual inspiration and performance of the National police service in Nyeri County, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the intellectual inspiration and on organizational performance. Descriptive research approach was adopted. The population of the study was 30 National police service stations selected from six constituencies in Nyeri County which included: Kieni, Mathira, Mukurweini, Nyeri Town, Othaya and Tetu Constituencies. The respondents of the study comprised of police officers from top, middle and lower level ranks. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical. Data was presented using Table and figures. The study established a positive and significant influence on intellectual inspiration on organizational performance. The study concluded that the organizational leaders attend to each employee needs and act as a mentor, coach or guide them. They listen to the concerns and needs of each employee and provide support and are empathic of each employee’s situation and background. The leadership articulates an appealing vision that inspires and motivates others to perform beyond expectations. They have high standards and expectation for their employees. The leadership recognizes employees through stimulation, creativity and innovation. They support and collaborate with the employees as they try new approaches and develop innovative ways of dealing with organizational issues and leadership become role models for their employees by engaging in high standards of ethical behavior whereby the employees identify with their leaders and desire to emulate them. The study recommended that the leadership of the organization should show willingness and ability to provide nurturing support for each employee as it leads to higher levels of engagement and motivation within the organization. The leadership should set goals so as to give employees meaning in their day-to-day roles through establishing what is expected of them. Provide meaningful feedback to the employees so as to help them grow and develop. The leadership should make learning a requirement whereby both the leadership and junior staff need to know that learning is their responsibility, both as individuals and as teams and that the leadership should analyze the current work environment and the existing organization values, mission, goals and ethical policies. It should solicit the input of each employee about any ethical issues he or she feels, faces or that others may face.
Key Words: Intellectual, Inspiration, Leadership and Performance
CITATION: Mulli, D. K.,& Kiiru, D. (2020). Influence of intellectual inspiration and performance of the national police service in Nyeri County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1507 – 1514.
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