In contemporary situations, both public and private institutions need transactional or transformational leadership for efficient performance. Leaders and their subordinates are connected by the level of performance. The research objective was to determine the relationship between leadership style and performance in the State corporations in Kenya. In this study various leadership theories like transformational, transactional and situational were adopted. The study was embedded on the positivist orientation and descriptive technique. The unit of analysis was 178 state corporations in Kenya corporations spread across the twenty ministries. Inferential statistical tests were conducted at 95 percent level of confidence to establish the relationship among the variables. The study concluded that there is a significant influence of leadership style on performance. The findings suggested that leaders played a great role in influencing performance of state departments, implying the role of leaders being able to diagnose the fellow employees’ wishes, needs, values and abilities in the right way. The study further concluded that properly managed teamwork maximizes strengths, bringing out the best in each employee. These specific, possibly unique individual strengths are then complimented by the strengths of others, or of the team as a unit. Additionally, working as a team involves active discussion, giving room for brainstorming and open communication leading to better performance. Leaders should create a culture where proper organizational planning can take place. This would encourage everyone feel part of the decision making process, and also feel valued by knowing that their views and contributions are considered by management. Additionally, management should ensure that they support employees as they try new approaches and develop innovative ways of dealing with organizational issues. Leaders are crucial in motivating and helping their employees to be competitive and committed to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives by use of effective leadership styles hence effectiveness of leadership in an organization should be enhanced to increase employee satisfaction, which in turn influences profitability, and hence better performance of the organization. Management should provide a leadership role in ensuring that all the stakeholders are committed towards implementing the strategic plan.
Key Words: Leadership Style, Firm Performance, State Corporations in Kenya
CITATION: Nyaberi, J. P. L. (2020). Leadership style and performance of state corporations of Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 7 (4), 1515 – 1522.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v7i4.1879
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