Media is an essential tool and is used to disseminate to the public different forms of information. Media attention on how to boost food security is essential because food is a fundamental need for every household. An expanded menu of food security information resources offered by print media, electronic media and interactive media is provided by the social network, Sacco farmers and social gathering. These literature reviews discussed the impact of media attention on the information on food security in Kenya. Ten bibliographic databases and a reference list of studies and contacts related to the food safety paper's content were included in the study. Fourteen multisubject databases were analysed purposefully in journal articles, book pieces, reviews and online publications. Findings showed that the media continues to raise awareness effectively, provide information, shape perceptions, and consider food security. Research needs were also established on how particular media (TV, radio) coverage affects the public's food safety data.
Keywords: Media, Food security, Coverage, Information
CITATION: Munene, M., & Kebenei, D. (2021). Media coverage on food security information. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (1), 124 – 131.
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