Constituency development fund (CDF) is a decentralized fund which was established by the Kenyan government based on the belief that the local level government has a better understanding of community needs. Since its establishment in 2003, the management of CDF faces varied challenges which include the insufficient stakeholder’s participation.
The key goals were; to increase rural incomes by raising levels of agricultural, commercial and industrial enterprise, reduction of unemployment in the rural areas by increasing wage employment in public and private projects, establishing effective procedures and techniques for quick rural development in Kenya as a whole, applying procedures and the techniques to other rural development projects in similar areas and improving development ability of public administrators in the field.
The purpose of the study was to assess factors that influence stakeholder participation on CDF projects, with a focus on Mwea constituency in Kirinyaga District, Central Province, Kenya. The study’s objectives were to: evaluate the effect of socioeconomic factors, stakeholder consultation, communication and leadership on stakeholder participation.
A descriptive research design was used for the study. Instruments used included; questionnaires, personal interviews and observations to collect data from the respondents. Sequential sampling on the group of stakeholder was conducted. The study sample was 200 respondents. The data was subjected to descriptive statistical analysis and the results represented in graphs, tables and pie charts. Analysis of data was done through coding, tabulation, assessing the means using percentage and explanations.
The results obtained enabled to make appropriate recommendations, suggestions and conclusions. They are also important to project managers, implementers, advisers on matters concerning projects and the stakeholders of various projects in Mwea. The results also act a basis for further research work in future.
Key Words: Stakeholder’s Participation, Constituency Development Funds
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i2.197
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