The study sought to establish the role of tax intelligence in revenue collection by Kenya Revenue Authority in Mombasa County. The study adopted descriptive research design and a structured questionnaire to collect primary data. The target population was 588 Kenya Revenue Authority employees in Southern Region headquarters as detailed in Kenya Revenue Authority human resource database. A sample size of 238 was derived using Yamane formula. The findings of the study would be of vital significance to Kenya Revenue Authority, taxpayers and the academic network by providing them with an oversight of role of tax intelligence in revenue collection by Kenya Revenue Authority in Kenya. Based on the findings, it was evident that there is a significant relationship between tax intelligence collection, tax intelligence operations and data-intelligent strategy and revenue collection by Kenya Revenue Authority in Mombasa County. Correlations analysis results indicated a positive relationship between tax intelligence and revenue collection. In conclusion, the study established that tax intelligence is applied by KRA through making use of some renowned techniques associated to the task, in the course of investigations conducted by the tax intelligence staff. The study recommended that KRA management should allocate more financial resources to enable recruitment of more intelligence officers. The study also recommended that the government should allocate the organization with sufficient operation funds in order to expand intelligence operations in the country. Additionally, the study recommended regular training of intelligence officers and adequate consideration for intelligence reports by the management. Finally, the tax intelligence department should develop an Intelligence Management System, preferably in a computerized format and integrated in a network to allow for intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination and feedback management. There is need to conduct further research which may be extended in details to other variables. A repetition of this study should be conducted using a larger sample size, with inclusion of more variables and application of more robust set of statistical tools apart from those used in this study which could increase the robustness of study models and hence the validity of the results.
Key Words: Tax Intelligence Collection, Data-Intelligent Strategy, Tax Intelligence Operations, Revenue Collection, KRA
CITATION: Kiprotich, J., & Mumia, B. J. (2021). Role of tax intelligence in revenue collection by Kenya Revenue Authority in Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 139 – 157.
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