This study sought to find out the influence of career management strategies on employee performance in state corporations in Kenya, relevant theories and empirical data. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to assess the relationship between succession planning and employee performance in state corporations in Kenya; to identify the relationship between career training and employee performance in state corporations in Kenya. The research designs used were cross-sectional survey and explanatory survey design. The study targeted employees of state corporations in the 14 Kenyan ministries. The study sampled 55 state corporations in Kenya. The state corporations were the unit of analysis while the head of departments of the state corporations were the unit of observation. The sample size for the study was 385 respondents. The study collected both primary and secondary data. Sources of primary data were questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics collected were used to analyze the quantitative data collected. This study made use of multiple regression analysis. Analysis of qualitative data was thematic and it was presented in prose form. Presentation of the findings was done using chart, figures and table. The study found that succession planning positively and significantly influences employee performance in state corporations in Kenya; career training positively and significantly influences employee performance in state corporations in Kenya. The study recommends organization to first ensure that its employees are aware of policies of managing career development and that there is sufficient communication from supervisors on ways employees could better their career. The study also recommends state corporations to match their staff members with their skills and the position that best suit them; this will help them attain both long and short term competitive advantage.
Key words: Career Management, Career management Strategies, Career mentoring, Career training Career, Employee Performance, Policies, State Corporation, Succession planning
CITATION: Waweru, F. W., Were, S., Namusonge, G. (2020). Relationship between career management strategies and employee performance in state corporations in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 1674 – 1691.
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