Globally over the past five decades, both private and public organizations have established capacities enhancing improvement of exhibition results. Of developing significance is the M&E numerous ventures recognized in attempting to achieve project success. Even though, several studies suggested the role of donor funded projects are being established in Rwanda, the survey in Rwanda in 2015 showed that poverty was 39.1% as of 2013/ 2014 and extreme poverty was 16.3%. The general objective was to analyze contribution of monitoring and evaluation on the case of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) /Twiyubake project performance. Specific objectives were identifying the obstacles of M & E affecting the performance of USAID)/ Twiyubake project, examining effectiveness of M&E in USAID/ Twiyubake project and examining relationship between M&E and performance of USAID/ Twiyubake project in Rwanda. It was hoped the study findings might facilitate better understanding of donor funded projects in the specific contexts of Sub-Saharan African (SSA), especially in Rwanda. Descriptive survey design was adopted. A target population of 110 staff from USAID/ Twiyubake project while a sample size was 86 staff. The study used primary data collection methods. Analysis of data was done using SPSS version 21. The study discovered a positive connection on contribution of monitoring and evaluation on execution of USAID/ Twiyubake project as it was seen on accountability, communication, partnership and supervision (0.768, 0.416, 0.216, and 0.462) respectively. The positive relationship demonstrated that there is a connection between the contributors of monitoring and evaluation on execution of donor funded projects in Rwanda. This withstanding that accountability is fundamentally related to performance of donor funded projects in Rwanda (r=0.768, p<0.01), Communication is essentially correlated to performance of donor funded projects in Rwanda (r=0.416, p<0.01), Partnership is significantly correlated to performance of donor funded projects in Rwanda (r=0.216, p<0.01) and supervision is significantly correlated to performance of donor funded projects in Rwanda (r=0.462, p<0.01). The study concluded that accountability, communication, partnership and supervision positively influence performance of donor funded projects in Rwanda. This research recommended that elements of shared view ought to have been recognized in the initial planning, as they are the factors the partnership ought to have based on M & E activities. If poor communication skills during M & E bring about deficient management of projects handicapping organization's development making progress and positive commitments.
Keywords: Accountability, Effective communication, Performance, Partnership and supervision Donor funded projects.
CITATION: Muhire, J. D., & Rusibana, C. (2021). Monitoring & evaluation and performance of donor funded projects in Rwanda. A case of USAID/Twiyubake Project. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 232 – 243.
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