The aim of this study was the assessment of how practices of managing resources are affecting timely completion of road projects implemented by the County Government of Kakamega County, Kenya. This study determined how planning and scheduling factors affect timely completion road projects in Kakamega County. The study was guided by the theory of planning and resource based view theory. A descriptive survey design was adopted in this research. Selection of the sample was done using stratified random sampling. Structured questionnaires were utilized in gathering of primary data. Analysis of quantitative data was done using descriptive and inferential statistics with use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences. A multiple linear regression model aided in indicating links between practices of managing resources and performance of road projects within the county of Kakamega. Both resource planning and resource scheduling were found to have a positive and significant influence on timely completion of road projects implemented by County Government of Kakamega. This implied project resources management practices are significant predicator of timely completion of road projects. The study concluded that a key benefit to resource planning is that it helps organisations to fulfill task specifications efficiently. Successful resource scheduling allows in different ways to solve problems related to resource availability and job efficiency. The study recommended that project managers should use backward scheduling techniques when the date of delivery is set and the work has to be planned or scheduled to meet the deadline. The study suggested that further studies should be carried out on how project resource management practices affect the performance of road projects in other Counties in Kenya.
Key Words: Resource Planning, Resource Scheduling, Implementation of Government Projects
CITATION: Koyi W. M., Miroga, J., & Otinga, H. (2021). Influence of resource management practices on timely completion of road projects implemented by the County Government of Kakamega County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 244 – 260.
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