Due to pressure from global market competition, high internal standards, the human resource has been straining to meet these demands. The study specifically sought to investigate the relationship between welfare policies and performance of employees in James Finlay Kenya. The study was anchored on two-factor theory. The research adopted descriptive research design. The study findings showed that a unit rise in welfare policies results in a rise of employee performance by 0.498 units. Findings on welfare policies showed that James Finlay did not have clear policies in place for promoting employees. Trainings and mentorship programs rendered employees to be efficient in discharging their roles. The study therefore concluded that employee welfare plays critical role in employee performance in tea industry in Kenya.
Key Words: Employees Welfare, Employee Trainings, Mentorship
CITATION: Sang, B. C., & Makhamara, F. (2021). Employee welfare and employee performance in tea industry in Kenya, A case of James Finlay Kenya Limited. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 246 – 352.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i2.1999
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