This research studied the impact of project management practices on implementation of information technology projects in state corporations in Kenya. Kenya Airports Authority was selected for this research as a state corporation that had adopted project implementation practices and also due to the nature and number of projects it implemented biannually. The measurement of success in implementation of IT projects was done using four criteria; project risk management, stakeholder involvement, human resource management and monitoring and evaluation. The study focused on 129 staff working within the Nairobi offices of KAA. The study also used the experimental research design. Census survey was used, hence no sampling was done. Self-administered questionnaires were given to 129 respondents from the target population. The collected data was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS. The key findings of the research study was that Monitoring and Evaluation had the strongest correlation at 0.824, while the combined alpha score was 0.736, followed by human resource management, risk management and finally stakeholder involvement, thus, indicating that all the research data whether considered separately or as a whole was reliable. The organisation had effectively implemented stakeholder involvement. Risk management practices at state corporations need to include improved risk planning. Whilst the organisation had prioritised monitoring and evaluation, it had neglected to invest in cloud-based technology. State corporations had also done exceptionally well in the implementation of human resource management. All the studied aspects of implementation of IT projects were properly addressed. The organisation should prioritise the use of effective stakeholder communication strategies and relationship software to manage stakeholder involvement. They should also get involved in risk planning as a means of improving its risk management by assessing the risks and implementing a plan to control risks. It should also conduct some research to determine the efficacy of using cloud-based technology to enhance M&E. The study finally provided recommendations for improvement in project management practices and in areas of further studies on adoption of project management practices.
Key Words: Project Risk Management, Stakeholder Involvement, Human Resource Management and Monitoring and Evaluation
CITATION: Effect of project management practices on implementation of information technology projects in state corporations in Kenya (case study of Kenya Airports Authority). The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 1 – 28.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i3.2022
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