The people in the Niger Delta are faced with attendant problems on their habitat, which includes acid rain, noise pollution, and intense heat due to gas flaring. Oil spillage emanating from careless handing of oil in the process of loading also results in mass destruction of farmland and pollution of sea water, which are the main sources of livelihood for the people of the Niger Delta. It was observed that oil-bearing communities are exploited and neglected by oil prospecting companies. Furthermore, it was noted that oil exploration had caused social problems where communities in frustration transfer their anger to the oil companies. This paper examined the role of crises management and organizational sustainability of Shell Petroleum Development Company. The major conclusions were that Shell Petroleum Development Company had encountered various forms of community crises in their work environment. These crises had negative impact on their performance. The paper recommended that adequate community relation would significantly reduce the level of Industry/community crises in the Niger Delta region; also that oil and gas companies in the Niger Delta should adopt community relation strategy through community development projects as this would minimize the level of community crises and hence enhance the performance of oil and gas companies.
Keywords: Crises Management, Strategic Agility, Change Disposition, Business
CITATION: Georgewill, I. A. (2021). Crises management and strategic agility of Shell Petroleum Development Company Limited. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 157 – 170.
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