On the global scene, Project implementation of maternal health is a hard task that has ever been undertaken. Most of the projects end up half-way or even fail to satisfy the required level of wanted objectives. Project implementation involves various factors before it succeeds; it calls for a composite understanding of inputs among them; stakeholders involvement for successful implementation of maternal health projects. The purpose of this research study was to investigate the Influence Stakeholders’ Involvement in the implementation of Linda Mama Health Project in Lurambi, Kakamega County, Kenya. This research problem employed descriptive research design. The target population of the study composed of health care workers of both private and public health facilities. Purposive sampling technique was applied on entire targeted population and examined since it is manageable. The study used closed and open-ended questionnaire as an instrument of primary data collection. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were focused on and the computation was done by use of SPSS version 21.0 to test the primary data that was collected to satisfy the objectives of study. Pilot study was conducted in Mumias West Sub-County County Government of Kakamega. Further a structural regression equation model was developed to test the relationships between the variables. ANOVA was performed to analyze the effects of various relationships at the variables level as well at item level. The result after the analysis was; Stakeholders’ Involvement had significant influence on Implementation of Linda Mama maternal Health Project. The conclusion of the study embraced the use of Stakeholders’ Involvement in implementation of maternal health projects since it improves performance on the implementation process. The study recommended for further study on influence of Stakeholders’ Involvement on Implementation of maternal health projects in both private and public sector.
Key words; Stakeholder Involvement, Maternal Health, Maternal Health projects
CITATION: Njoroge, J. K., Kadima, J., & Juma, D. (2021). Influence of stakeholders’ involvement on implementation of Linda Mama Health project in Lurambi, Kakamega County; Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (2), 195 – 207.
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