This study investigated the leadership style(s) and culture(s) that were applied in the execution of the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) in Zimbabwe. The unit of analysis for this research was Matebeleland South Province and the sub-units were Gwanda, Matobo and Umzingwane Districts being three out of the seven administrative Districts in the Province. The study used both the deductive and inductive approaches to facilitate data, methodological and results triangulation, whilst the research design applied was the case study survey. Three levels of leadership, namely Provincial, District and Traditional leadership participated in this study under the deductive phase and there were 61 respondents. It was hoped that the outcome of this study would reflect the National picture since all rural Provinces have homogenous land reform structures. Two patented instruments, the Your Leadership Legacy Instrument (YLLI) and the Organizational Legacy Instrument (OCAI) were administered to 61 respondents. A review of literature on leadership practices for decolonization led to the adoption of the legacy based transformative leadership as the primary theory for this study. The theoretical framework for the study was built around participatory leadership by land officials; community participation in land reform decision making processes; leadership decision on access to land by women, and leadership decisions on livelihood status of land beneficiaries post land reform. There was no sufficient evidence from literature that the theory has been tested under African conditions of land reform in a decolonizing environment. The major finding on the application of this theory was that both transactional and transformational leadership as well as clan, adhocracy, market and hierarchy cultures influenced the execution of the FTLRP. However, it was inadequate in addressing aspects of decolonization under African conditions. The main weakness of the theory was the ambiguity underlying its influence process and failure by the OCAI and YLLI to capture the specific intimate relationship between leadership practices for land reform and the leadership qualities measured by the instruments since these are meant for universal application. The theory fails to satisfactorily explain the interacting variables between the land officials’ natural style and personality with positive work outcome in the land reform process. To compensate for these underlying inadequacies, the study employed the inductive approach incorporating secondary data, 17 key informants and 24 focus group discussion participants comprising of directors at national level, community and local authorities’ leadership, non-governmental and government officials at district and provincial level and land beneficiaries involving 123 participants. The inductive approach closed the glaring gaps in the deductive approach through the development of a secondary theory, the Leadership-Cultural Land Reform Model in a Decolonizing Environment which rests on Restorative leadership and Equalizing Culture. The major finding of the research showed that the FTLRP was influenced in the main by restorative leadership and equalizing culture. According to the outcome of the research, the leadership was intent on delivering equality, parity and equity in land ownership, access and control between those who had land and the landless. It can be concluded that the outcome of this study is an evidence of the existence of strong social capital powered by clan culture and Ubuntu at all leadership levels from the community, district and provincial through to national levels.
CITATION: Chinyai, B. (2021) Leadership style(s) and culture (s) that shaped the fast track land reform programme in Zimbabwe. A cse of Matebeleland South Province. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 253 – 549.
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