This study established the influence of risk management strategies on the organizational performance of venture capital companies Kenya. The specific objective was to assess the influence of risk acceptance strategy on performance of venture capital companies. The population constituted 46 employees both from management and subordinate employees of venture firms in Nairobi. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample employees. The study adopted the use of questionnaires and administering interviews in collection of data from the organization. Drop and pick method was used to collect data from the respondents. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data gathered and the findings presented mainly through tables, pie charts and bar graphs by the use of SPSS version 21 software. Regression model was also developed to check the relationship between risk management strategies and organizational performance. Findings from study showed that a significant change in an aspect of risk acceptance positively impacted on the performance of VCC. The infusion of a collaborative approach by venture capital firms through formation of mergers and joint ventures to create an environment for marshaling and pulling resources together was found to be one of the best approaches of risk acceptance. This approach was cited to help firms counter the effects of risks especially when considerable amount of resources were required to minimize the risk effect on their performance. It was further recommended that organizations should diversify investment portfolio across different investment types and economic sectors to reduce the overall risk by spreading risks over a variety of portfolio . This will ensure that the firms have detailed information about their clients’risk tolerance level and thereby help when making decisions on what they can and cannot include in their portfolio.The study variables accounted for 46.9% of the variation in organizational performance at 95% confidence interval. The remaining 53.1% is an indication that there are factors not studied in this research that also have an impact on organizational performance. Therefore, the study recommended that other variables should be established and their effects assessed as well.
Key Words: Risk Acceptance, Venture Capital
CITATION: Iminzah, J., & Litunya, R. (2021). Influence of risk management strategies on the organizational performance of venture capital companies in Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 562 – 572.
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