The ultimate goal of a community water project is to benefit all members of the community. As such, it is apparent that community members are incorporated as critical stakeholders in such projects. As expounded within the extant literature, failure to include project management participation during project implementation negatively influences project completion while allowing project management participation positively influences project completion. The current study investigated project management participation in Masaba Water and Sanitation Project in Trans-Nzoia County to ascertain its influence on completion of the water project. The study particularly emphasized the four tenets of project implementation, including project initiation, planning, risk management and monitoring. The researcher employed a descriptive research design and a targeted population of 340 participants involved in the project at different points, including the community members who were supposed to benefit from the project. A stratified sampling technique was employed in the study; 183 participants were sampled to respond to the survey questionnaires. One hundred two respondents filled and returned the questionnaires that the researcher analyzed. Cronbach alpha test was employed on reliability test and a value of 0.99 was obtained hence verified the data used. The regression analysis results suggested that the measurements adopted (demographic data) were convenient as per the values of coefficient of determination (R2). The findings revealed that three of the analyzed objectives depicted R2 values of less than (0.5) while only one of the objectives yielded a statistical outcome R2 value higher than (0.5). The researcher concluded the study's general objective that minimal involvement of project management participation on completion of the project could make a project collapse before its prime time of completion. The researcher recommended that further studies that dwell on project management participatory levels at different implementation stages based in other geographical locations can be done using different instruments and participatory categories to ascertain the conclusion made on the study's general objective.
Keywords: Participation, Initiation, Planning, Monitoring, Risk Management
CITATION: Osoro, M. K. (2021). Influence of project management participation on completion of Masaba Water and Sanitation project in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 732 – 753.
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