Every organization desires to realize maximum profits as well as enhance shareholders’ interests. Today’s changing business environment and consumer needs make it a challenge for firms to realize desired organizational performance. As such, to survive, such firms are forced to adopt various strategies essential in facilitating their performance. With a focus on Sisco Superior Cargo Handling Services Limited, this study sought to establish the competitive strategies that the organization could adopt to enhance its performance. In particular, the investigation focused on the three generic strategies including niche/focus strategy, differentiation strategy and cost leadership strategy and how they influenced the performance of the organization. The Ansoff matrix, Porter's generic model, resource-based perspective theory, Porter's five force model, and Porter's generic model were all used in the research. The investigation used a descriptive research approach, with the target population consisting of 45 members of the organization's management. The census method was used in the research sampling. The chosen data collection instruments were in-depth interviews and structured questionnaires. The 45-person target population was the focus of the structured questionnaire. The data collected to inform the study was analysed using content analysis for the in-depth interviews and descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages) for the structured questionnaire. The study found that the organization had not attempted to adopt various cost leadership and focus strategies to help it achieve the desired performance. However differentiation strategy stood out as the firm’s strength when it comes to increasing its performance. Based on the findings, the organization seems to have rarely used cost leadership. The study recommended outsourcing most of its internal operations. By outsourcing services such as marketing department and research and development, the firm will reduce its operational costs, allowing it to compete effectively in terms of pricing of its service delivery. Despite differentiation strategy being the most employed strategy, the study recommended the firm to further differentiate its service delivery by making them unique and customized to address emerging consumer needs. Focus being a rarely adopted strategy by Sisco Superior Cargo Handling Services Limited, the study recommended that the firm employ the strategy; this can be done by focusing on serving SMEs.
CITATION: Wangui, A. W., Kifleyesus, A., & Mote, P. (2021). The impact of competitive strategies on the performance of Sisco Superior Cargo Handling Services Ltd. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 794 – 813.
Key Words: Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Focus Strategy
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