Rise in demand for quality healthcare services around the world has necessitated the need to develop a healthcare sector which addresses the fundamental needs and aspiration of patients. This study investigated the effect of Total Quality Management on Quality Healthcare services using the case of St. Joseph Hospital Eastleigh, Nairobi City County, Kenya. More precisely, this study sought to examine the effect of customer focus, process approach, and leadership and supplier relations on quality healthcare services at St. Joseph hospital. The study adopted descriptive design while questionnaires and interview guide were used to collect data from staffs and patients at St. Joseph hospital. Census sampling technique was used to select 80 staff while purposeful sampling was used to select 25 patients. Data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics and the findings revealed that services offered at St. Joseph hospital were reliable, responsive, competent, accessible, tangible and met quality assurance dimensions. The study revealed a significant correlation between supplier relations and quality healthcare services and an overall insignificant relationship between TQM factors and quality healthcare services (p-0.796, Cl, 0.005). Further, Likelihood Ratio tests revealed that increasing supplier relations would yield greatest quality healthcare care service at St. Joseph hospital.The study recommended that healthcare facilities should invest in TQM in order promote quality healthcare services and patient satisfaction.
Key Words: Effect, Total Quality Management (TQM), Quality, Healthcare, Services
CITATION: Mulwa, C., Wasike, S., Kiboi, A. & Ahmad, I. (2021). Total quality management and quality health care services: A case of St. Joseph Hospital in Eastleigh, Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (3), 928 – 938.
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