The general objective of the study was to determine the factors that affect the performance of truck transportation in Kenya. The study was anchored on intermodal freight model, heuristics intermodal transport model and the model of multimodal road and rail freight transport. Through the use of a quantitative correlational research design, the data for the research was collected using structured questionnaires from a sample of 90 employees from Transeast limited that was selected using a stratified random sampling method from a target population of 117 employees. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science, version 22. The findings indicated that government regulations, cost of fuel, nature of cargo and road infrastructure all have moderate influence on the performance of the truck transportation in Kenya. The study concluded that improvements in road infrastructure and government legislation would enhance the performance of truck transportation in Kenya. The study also concluded that cost of transport and nature of cargo do not have a significant influence on truck transportation performance when the other factors (road infrastructure and government legislation) are held constant. The study recommended that; the government should allocate more funds for the improvement of road infrastructure in the country; the managers of the trucking companies should make adjustments towards using electric trucks and trucks that are fuel efficient; the managers of the truck transportation companies should ensure that their employees perfectly comply with the regulatory requirements at all the times; and the employees and their managers should strive to understand the nature of cargo that they handle in order to deliver them in the best conditions. The study finally suggested that a similar study should be undertaken within the same industry but using a different population and a bigger sample size in order to ascertain whether cost of fuel and nature of cargo are significant predictors of performance of truck transportation in Kenya.
Key Words: Road Infrastructure, Government Legislation, Cost Of Fuel, Nature of Cargo, Truck Transportation
CITATION: Ahmed, A. A., & Nondi, R. (2021). Factors influencing the performance of truck transportation in Kenya: A case study of Transeast Limited. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 8 (4), 109 – 127.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v8i4.2089
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